Quoits Capers

On a glorious summer’s evening (irony? Editor) 10 members from 41 Club, Farts and Round Table with 1 guest attended the annual 41 Club quoits competition on Wednesday 7 June at Beck Hole organised by our Club’s Sports Officer Darren. A member of the Beck Hole Quoits Club, Ivor, agreed to play making 6 teams of 2 players.

The only audience was a small flock of sheep who soon left for pastures new after witnessing the dire level of the quoit throwing which was so bad the Quoits Club members had to quickly cover the wood surrounding the clay pits with matting to avoid too much damage from the “woodpeckers” and “crabs” (quoits terms for the uninitiated) which were numerous.

After a delayed start to enable the players to seek refreshment from the Birch Hall Inn 4 of the scheduled 5 rounds of matches were completed before the midges became too much.

With the last round of matches abandoned by mutual consent everyone retired to the Birch Hall Inn for further refreshment (beer and pies) where Darren announced David A partnered by the ringer (another quoits term) Ivor to be the winners and who were both presented with a bottle of wine and a suitably engraved and beribboned gold coloured medallion reminiscent as someone pointed out to the ones which used to be handed out by a late and sometime Scarborough resident on a Saturday evening’s children’s TV programme. This may explain why the medallions were so cheap for Darren to buy!

Out of respect to the feelings of the other players the final places of the losing teams were not made public.

A good night’s entertainment enjoyed by all the participants save for the sheep. 

Despite the presence of a large notice and recent history several players (name names) availed themselves of the neighbouring woodland to relieve themselves prompting a warning from the Quoits Club members that if they received a complaint from any of the neighbouring properties there would be no invitation to play next year. We have been warned!

41 Club Quoits Correspondent 

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